Monday, April 30, 2012

May Greeter Article

an article I wrote for the St. Andrew's Greeter
From The Desk of the Intern:

Well congrats are in order. We raised all the money. I say "We" it was really you. I'd like to thank everyone for all their prayers, words of support and generous donations. I have no idea who gave what and don't want to know. As far as I'm concerned everyone gave what they could.

I'll be officially joining the staff on June 1st. My last Sunday will be May 13th and then I'm taking some "Steven time". I need a little break before I get started. Don't worry I assure you I'll only be having fun and not working at all. I know you were concerned.

However before things come to a close I have built a list of my top 10 moments as your Intern.
1) The Lock-In - Never forget that fingers are like toes for your hands
2) The Cabaret - Needs no explanation
3) Wine & Bingo Prep - The Bingo Babes are awesome and thanks to everyone who helped make it great!
4) The Men's Retreat - If you didn't go this year go next year
5) Scary Acres - The Monsters learned Lauren's name and kept talking to her directly
6) Preaching - I freak out about it but at the end of the day I love it. It's my chance to really serve ALL of you
7) Lenten Bible Study - We've had so much fun. If you didn't go you've missed out
8) Helping clear the grounds and getting to pick a cross design
9) Staff Meetings - I know this seems like a kiss up move but I really do like staff meetings
10) DQ run after Good Friday - Amazing tradition

Okay I'm a rule breaker (even my own rules!):
11) Wednesday Night Dinner & SAY - We have fun!
12) Dinner at people's homes - Thank you for giving me somewhere to go and a family to join

I could go on and on because I had a blast being your intern. I can't wait to be your Parish Coordinator and we will need to start calling me that. It's going to be great and I'm really excited. If you are bummed that you weren't involved with anything off the list of 12 then they only thing to do is call me up and we'll hang out and have fun. I never say no to the movies.

On that note: I will be moving into the church. I'm a shorts and t-shirt kinda guy and I hate wearing shoes (hence the barefoot preaching on Maundy Thursday). So if you are at the church on a random Thursday night realize you may bump into a very casual me. I also hope that if there are any issues (and let's face it they will revolve around keeping the church clean) that you come to me. Don't go to other staff members, don't go to the Vestry, don't call my parents. Come and talk to me. I'm going to be as clean as possible and try to mind my Ps and Qs but anyone can make a mistake and I've been known to make quite a few. We can make this work as long as we talk to each other and work together. Thank you again for all your love and support. This year was amazing because of the family I've found at St. Andrew's.

Your Brother in Christ,