Tuesday, January 17, 2012

From the Desk of Intern Steven

Being in two places at the same time is impossible. No one can do it. However I find myself wishing it were possible.

I just got back from a trip to see family, friends and attend a wedding of a dear old friend. I don't regret going. I had a BLAST. It was truly a once in a lifetime kinda thing. However there was work for me to do here that I could've been doing and maybe even should've been doing.

Balance is hard. How do you find balance in your life? Work isn't everything but it is important. Your life can't revolve around leisure and having fun (well it can but it comes at a heavy price.) You have to find balance. And I think I'm getting closer to find it. While I was gone I did some reading when I had some free time but I didn't fret over what was going on back in Nebraska. (seriously can't believe y'all saved the snow until I got back.) I shared with a lot of people what I'm doing and what it is all about. I caught up with others about what was going on in their lives. It was wonderful.

Of course they all asked, "So are you going to Seminary in the fall?" I usually responded, "Great question and when I know the answer I'll tell you. Most likely no, even if that is what I would like, a little bit more time needs to pass before I can step forward." I wonder all the time what my life will be like on June 1st 2012 and even Jan. 1st 2013. The truth of the matter is I don't know. I know I will have completed this program (I hope successfully) and that's about it. I know I won't go back to Atlanta. It was a professional dead end for me and even a spiritual one. I had grown as much as I was going to in the diocese of Atlanta.

Christmas away from the family wasn't as hard as I was expecting. There were things I missed and I had moments of saddness and loniliness but that didn't define my holidays. My holidays were filled with joy and celebration of our new born King. I was invited to partake in new families and spend time with new people. I enjoyed it. Two of my greatest fears about being a priest have been encountered and dealt with. The holidays was a big one and now it's been dealt with. The other was how to love a parishioner without crossing any boundaries.

I'll continue praying, worshipping and seeking and I hope that God will show me the way. It's hard though. People are usually so busy offering their own opinion you have to try to make things quiet in the hopes to hear something from the Lord. Blessings to all of you this Epiphany.

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