Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Trip To Central City - Intern Steven

The Sunday before Thanksgiving the Youth of St. Andrew's took a trip out to Central City, Nebraska to visit the parish of Christ Episcopal which was founded 139 years ago. I didn't have to drive but I got to go and I really enjoyed it.

Prior to going out there, the Youth group had been rehearsing hymns out of the 1982 hymnal. 450, 536, and 537.

450 = All Hail the power of Jesus' Name
536 = Open Your Ears O Faithful People
537 = Christ for the world we sing

The kids worked really hard however the hardest part was getting them to sing loud and confidently. This shouldn't have been such a challenge. At St. Andrew's we have a rowdy, energetic youth group and I thought we could funnel that directly into the singing. Things didn't really work out that way and we had to really push on them to keep their chins up and sing out loud and proud.

When we arrived we took the attendance that Sunday from 15 to 40. It is a BEAUTIFUL Episcopal Church. Beautiful wood interiors and stain glass windows. A small but sacred place. I felt blessed to be there. The church was very kind and they bought pizza for the kids and stayed and had lunch with them.

This is the norm for Nebraska. Nebraska isn't filled with large churches but rather has many smaller parishes. I realized that if I'm going to stay here this could be the type of church I end up working for.

I could feel how glad the parish was to receive us and there was a wonderful bond and connection. Episcopal churches need to get better at this. Sometimes we get a little competitive with each other when we actually are on the same team.

I don't know what my future may hold BUT I do hope to stay on for the summer expansion program (if it is an option.) I'd love to be attached to a smaller parish like this one and see ministry from another view point. Christ Episcopal doesn't face the same challenges as St. Andrew's and has completely different needs. But it is still a faith community. It still follows Christ and worships the Lord. I want to be apart of this. Where two or three are gather Christ is present. I think sometimes we think it needs to be two or three hundred and that isn't what the scripture says. I think it's time for us to rediscover the gifts of the small church and the gifts of small groups. We can get lost in the shuffle if the crowd is large but when the community is small people know when you are present and when you are missing.

I'd like to give thanks out there for every small parish. For every parish that doesn't have the resources to employ a full time priest  but still finds a way to celebrate the Risen Lord every Sunday. They do a great service to their community and it speaks out of being faithful and true even in the hardest of times.

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